Phenotypic presentation of PCOS with respect to BMI in a north Indian population

Parole chiave

clinical presentation


PCOS is one of the emerging health issues of women in their reproductive age with a range of associated signs and symptoms. In the present study, 250 PCOS subjects age ranged from 18 to 45 years and residing in the Chandigarh Capital Region (CCR) were selected from the OPD, PGIMER, Chandigarh, (North India). In the present study H+O phenotypic group (NIH criteria) was the most commonly occurring with the prevalence of 50.4% followed by complete PCO or classic PCOS phenotype (P+H+O) with 39.2% prevalence. The ovulatory PCOS (P+H) and non-hyperandrogenic PCOS (P+O) demonstrated little prevalence of 6% and 4.4% respectively. Maximum overweight/obese PCOS women were recorded in the (H+O) phenotypic group (27.2%) followed by classic PCOS phenotype (20.4%), (P+H) phenotype (4%) and lowest prevalence in P+O phenotype (1.2%), thereby indicating that hyperandrogenism and oligo-anovulation was common symptoms among overweight/obese PCOS women.