Guidelines and best practices: remarks on the Gelli-Bianco law


The paper’s authors aim to elaborate on the innovations brought by law n. 24/2017, issued by the Italian Parliament with a close focus on art. 5, which pertains to the drafting of guidelines and the adoption of best practices. The guidelines constitute in fact an element of innovation brought by the above-mentioned law, and compliance with them can shield from possible liability those health care professionals who find themselves embroiled in professional accidents while in the fulfillment of their duties. Besides, there are several critical aspects within the law that need to be highlighted as well. As far as best practices are concerned, the lawmakers who drafted the legislation make no mention as to the standards of evidence needed in order to characterize any given professional behavior as “best practice”. The reform appears unlikely to be effective in providing doctors with clear behavioral standards, thus reducing the margin for liability claims against them

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